Realtime Video Conferencing App

WebRTC Project
WebRTC Project

A dedicated real-time video conferencing web application similar to zoom and google meet. It uses webRTC and for real-time communication.

About webRTC :

By Using WebRTC, you'll be able to add real-time communication capabilities to your application that works on high of an open standard. It supports video, audio, and generic information to be sent between peers, permitting developers to make powerful voice- and video communication solutions. The technology is offered on all trendy browsers additionally as on native shoppers for all major platforms. The technologies behind WebRTC are enforced as an open internet standard and available as regular JavaScript APIs altogether major browsers. For native clients, like automaton and iOS applications, a library is available that gives identical functionality.

Node.js :

Node.js is a runtime for javaScript which is based on a command line to run JavaScript code in the local environment. because of Node.js, it's possible to run JavaScript code at the backend of the application. most importantly it's an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime & it's designed to build scalable network applications.

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